Hi, I’m Elgielene
and I wanna help you discover
the benefits of Real Foods

I believe, for most people, living a healthier life doesn’t have to be complicated or difficult. And I believe you can start seeing better results, faster, when you know yourself better and eat the real foods your body needs.

I’ll bet the first question you must be asking is the first question I always get asked…

How do you pronounce your name? Right? Well, you can say it like this: El ja lean with the emphasis on the El. Hope that helps. And now that we’ve cleared that up, I’ll tell you a little more about me.

First of all, I recently turned 61. I can’t believe that many years have gone by. However…the birth certificate doesn’t lie. Oh well…on with my story…

Mmm…junk food!

As a teenager I loved fudgesicles, Reese’s peanut butter cups, Doritos (when there was only one flavor), and Dr. Pepper. It crushed me to find out you can’t live on those. ~sigh~ But as a young woman, in my 20’s, I lived in California for a short while where I discovered the “crunchy” lifestyle. You know…granola, nuts, berries, etc.

Yet, still I tended to overeat. I could eat 3 plates of spaghetti without blinking an eye. Lucky for me I had a very high metabolism and remained slender. But as time went on I discovered my hair began to get dry and brittle and thin, my skin didn’t retain its luster as easily, and my energy was mostly nervous and edgy.

Then, in my 30’s I became an aerobics instructor. Eventually I was certified as a health coach. I began to look into things like real foods, juicing, regular exercise, sunshine, fresh air, water, essential oils, and how to reduce stress.

The real foods and natural resources right here on God’s green Earth are far healthier, and more fun and creative than Hollywood or fashion magazines. And they help me enjoy the best life has to offer…my husband, my friends, music, food, exercise, and keepin’ things simple.

It’s my mission and goal, here on Elgielene.com, to share my experiences and insider tips with you. And to help you discover how to be healthy, keep it simple, and enjoy your life more. You can’t escape aging, but you can certainly reduce the stress of it.

To your healthy, long life…

Energize & Revitalize with Elgielene the Real Foods Girl